Launching the LP team


This evening Jim, Eddie and I presented our Lead Practitioner launch-presentation to SLT in preparation for launching it to all the staff on Monday. Here’s a flavour of some if the things we’ve been working on and we are showing on Monday…

A ‘brand’ so we are identifiable which includes a logo (image above), an email signature and headed letter paper…

A VTE area for staff to access and where we can put announcements and where we can share official documents such as lesson planning tools and observational tools…

A blog so we can drum up discussion and share ideas with staff and hopefully other teachers as part our in reach and out reach work…

A Teaching and Learning notice board in the staff area so we can keep staff updated (if they’re not fond if the e-platform), encourage a sharing resources culture, spotlight members of staff and hold important information on things such as CPD…

We are very excited about the new term and moving forward as a team to ‘drive improvement’ at our school!

Kathy 👍😃

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