A lesson in 5* slides (inspired by @Xris32) *or there abouts!

Today I was really excited and impressed by something I saw @Xris32 on Twitter. He tweeted the crux of his year 7 poetry lesson using about 5 images of screen shots to capture the development of learning in the lesson.
Having planned some of my lessons for year 9 tonight, I thought I’d share my first lesson back with then in a series if images with only a brief explanation (if I can help it!).

Year 9 ‘Mysteries from the Past’ – exploring how writers creat mystery, suspense, tension and horror in pre20th Century Literature.

Aims and intentions:
Having read the extract and already researched Mary Shelley before Christmas I want pupils to have a quick refresher and then revisit the text, identify writer’s techniques used and develop their explanations of how the writer affects the audience and why that effect is created.









Ok so it was 8 slides but hopefully you get the idea.
I am hoping to stretch some pupils to evaluate so they can achieve level 7 but at the same time support pupils with developing their basic analysis to secure love level 6…
Let’s see how it goes.

Kathy πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

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